

Educator Prep


I am Sadie M. Campbell, and I am elated to be the Educator Prep instructor this school year. I am a proud graduate of Rust College in Holly Springs, MS with a Bachelor of Arts in English/Reading. I have served over 20 years as an educator with Memphis-Shelby County Schools District in Memphis, TN. Teaching has always been a unique passion for me because I enjoy inspiring students and awakening their desire to learn, succeed, and excel. Educator Prep students will embark on an exhilarate education filled with fun, rigor and many growth opportunities that will prepare them for a rewarding career in an educating setting. I have two wonderful children Jarvis and Shayla and four grandchildren. Lily, Jarius, Chloe and Jameah. I look forward to a productive school year!

“I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”   Maya Angelou