Welcome to Business Fundamentals and Marketing!

J. Pegeus

Jensen Pegues, MBA

Contact: 662.252.2071 

Email: jpegues@hssdk12.org


My name is Jansen Pegues and I teach Business Fundamentals and Marketing at Holly Springs Career and Technical Center. I am a native of the great city of Holly Springs, and graduate of Holly High. I have over sixteen years of experience in business, and I am the proud owner of Pegues and Sons Style Shop. Pegues and Sons has been in business for over fifty years and one of the oldest businesses in Holly Springs. I received a B. S. degree from Grambling State University, and a MBA from Union University. I believe that every student deserves a quality education that will prepare them for life after they complete high school. My courses offer practical experiences in business administration, sales and entrepreneurship. 


Online Instructional Times 

First Period (7:30-8:20)

Class Code: 


Invite to Class: 


Google Meet Link 


Second Period (8:25-9:15)

Class Code:


Invite to Class: 


Google Meet Link 



*Advanced Learning Seminar (9:17-10:00)


Third and Fourth Period - Block I (10:05 - 11:50)

Class Code: 


Invite to Class


Google Meet Link



Fifth and Sixth Period- Block II (12:30-2:20)

Class Code: 


Invite to Class


Google Meet Link



Planning Time Daily (2:30 - 3:30)

Meeting hours by Appointment Tuesdays and Thursdays (2:30 -3:30)




Class Assignments 

Students are required to complete all assignments using the Google Classroom links below. Also, students should use this link to access instruction/class time on designated days. 

First Period: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjI0NzgxNDg4ODg0?cjc=o7dc3pt

Second Period: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjI0OTUyMjY1OTA3?cjc=vmuhy56

Third and Fourth period:


Fifth and Sixth Period: 


Friday Intervention


FIVE (5) Helpful Internet Hints for Parents: 

1. The hotspot from most phones can be used for internet access.  Please check the impact it will have on your data package.
2. Parents should call the phone or internet carrier in their areas and see if carriers will give them temporary internet access or internet access at a lowered price to allow students to complete their work. 
3. Family members may have internet packages that can be used with permission.  Please check the impact it will have on the data package.
4. Parents and students can use their personal laptops to access assigned school programs if the laptop has internet access.
5. Some community businesses may have free hotspots that allow the public to access their internet at no cost.

Note:  These are only helpful hints.  Please check for any requirements, permissions, or guidelines that must be followed.