Welcome to The World of Technology and Engineering

Phone : 662-252-2071
Email: pstokes@hssdk12.org
On December 1, 2023 we will be taking a trip to Skate Odyssey for a STEM Exploration. There are out of uniforms but they still must follow dress code policy. They are to be at the CTC at 7:30. They may bring extra money. We plan to leave at 8:00 and return at 2:30. Thank you for let your child get this experience.
Google Meet
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Google Meet
Hello! My name is Patrick Stokes and I teach Computer Science and Engineering here at CTE. Many of you may already know me from when i was coaching. I am from Pickens, MS. I got my B.A. in Computer Science at Rust College. I been around technology for a little over 10 years. Did IT for 3 and a half years. Technology has always been a passion of mine. With technology, math, science, and engineering you can do, built, create, and draw whatever you have in mind. Its fun once you get the basic down. In my class I want to make technology and engineering fun. Let the students have a chance to be creative, stand out and believe in themselves even when learning get stressful. I want to let them know that learning new thing can be fun and that you can make a career of it.
Daily Schedule
First Period
Second Period
8:28- 9:55
ALS (9:23 - 9:58)
Third Period
Fourth Period
Fifth Period
Sixth Period